Saturday, September 8, 2018


We arrived in West Yellowstone on schedule and spent the day cleaning and waiting for sister Sandy and husband Ken to arrive the next day.  I spent some time cleaning up the front of the coach which looked like it had a bad case of acne.  
Not the worst it has ever been for sure but bad enough to need cleaning.

It takes about three days to really see the park and we only had two so we had to pick the areas that would be best for Sandy and Ken to see.  Sandy had never been and Ken was here once many years ago.  Based on our trip here five years ago we chose to do Old Faithful and points in between on day one and then head for the Lamar Valley on day two.  Here are a few highlights of day one.

Many, many geysers and pools along the route to Old Faithful.


....and active.

This was about 20 feet high after venting for who knows how long. 

Lots of folks anticipating Old Faithful

Including the four of us.

Not much here to get the scale of the eruption but it was impressive.

Yellowstone is a massive volcano.  Here we are standing on one side of the caldera.  The other side, off in the distance, is 32 miles away.

Elevation from the edge of the caldera.

On the way to Lamar Valley

The Lamar Valley is where we saw the most wildlife on our last trip here.  But seeing wildlife is kind of like hunting or fishing.  Sometimes you "catch" something and sometimes you don't so there are no guarantees with one possible can almost always see bison and we certainly saw plenty of them.

I used my telephoto lens to get this (somewhat overexposed) picture but I was still pretty close and when he started eyeing me suspiciously I decided to make my exit.  This was a lone animal on the side of the road in a forested area. 

 After Lamar Valley, on our way out of the park on day two, we spotted some moose on the other side of the river.

I was going to, sadly, say that we did not see any bears but that is not exactly true.  In fact, we are bringing one home with us for our new Kitty, Peanut who is not much bigger.

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