Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Breast Cancer Diagnosis (Fall trip plans scrapped)

The radiation oncologist's office had a wall rack display of brochures for a variety of types of cancer; rectal, mouth, brain, etc. I thought as I surveyed the brochures, "If I were to have to choose a brochure it would be the one on breast cancer (it could be way worse)." The two lumps I have in one breast are very small, classified as slow growing (level 1) and will be receptive to hormone therapy. The only bad news is the cancer was invasive, which means it had spent some time outside the duct, infiltrating the nearby tissue. I am scheduled for a segmental resection on September 18th, followed by weeks of radiation. Today I was thrown a curve ball--they have found spots on my spine. At the moment the plan is to biopsy the biggest spot (there are one to two spots on practically every vertebre)to determine if they are cancer or something else (?). I will use the blog to post updates. Please pray for me! I am hanging in there fine because I am supported with the peace from prayers, and from the clear message from God, "Settle in, don't be anxious, trust me!"

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