Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Blog Wake Up

Well after a couple of unexpected delays we are finally ready to get back on the road.  Leaving Seattle today in the rain.  In some ways that makes it easier to leave.  We are initially headed to Palm Desert, CA to visit my dad who lives in Cathedral City.  Then it is back to Las Vegas and our lot in the Las Vegas Motor Coach resort.  Nothing new or exciting about our route so probably not much to report along the way.  At some point we will break out into the sunshine and eventually we will be in the desert and thinking about the abundance of nice clean water in Seattle with no shortages.  Oh well, can't have everything.

UPDATE:  Did I say we did not expect much to report along the way?  We were stopped in a rest area on I-5 eating our lunch when this trailer full of camels pulls up besides us.  Now that is a little unusual for the Pacific Northwest.

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