Sunday, May 19, 2013


FIRST - A note for those who might want to subscribe to get an e-mail when we do a new post.  It was called to my attention that this was not working.  I investigated this morning and it appears I did not have one setting correct.  I have changed that it is working correctly now.  So if you are interested give it another try.

As a reminder, you submit your e-mail address in the FOLLOW BY EMAIL box, (top left hand corner of the page) and then you receive an e-mail message at that address from "Feedburner" asking you to confirm you want to receive the notices.  It is easy to cancel later too.

TODAY - Sunday - It has been raining all night and forecast to continue all day with continued chance of Thunder Storms.  (None so far).  Looks like we will be staying in and doing chores today and leaving the park to the tourist buses.  This will probably be it as far as postings go today..... unless a bear walks through the RV park.

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Posted Video

F or those of you who get our postings via email I have discovered, or I should say rediscovered, that video links do not post with the e-ma...