Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Medical Update

I received wonderful news before going into surgery yesterday.  The surgeon told me he looked at the PET scan from the day before an there was no evidence of cancer anywhere in my body except the left breast.  He said the spots in my vertebrae are benign tumors and as long as they don’t get heavy enough to compress my discs they will leave them alone.
The surgery went well except there was one more tiny, cancerous looking lesion hiding behind the larger one.  The doc had to remove more tissue than expected, down to the muscle in one area. 
This morning I am only slightly uncomfortable—a nice surprise!  Today I will allow Walt to wait on me though.  Tomorrow he may need to tie me down…
Love you all!  The prayers and good vibes you all sent my way made a huge impact on my peace level—it was incredible how I could just “let go” of all anxiety and rest in the knowledge God was in control.   

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